A Three-Country Cycle Ride
Riding in the Borderlands of Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey
Summer of 2019
Leaving our motorhome at Camping Sakar Hills near Biser in southest Bulgaria, we set off on an 8-day ride in temperatures hovering in the high 30's. Preparations included packing extra bottles of water in the rear panniers, plenty of sunscreen and since the strong sunlight is more dangerous than light traffic, Margaret replaced her cycling helmet with a broad-brimmed Australian hat. We were also prepared for rain which never came.
The full story of this 8-day cycle ride is on our MagBaztravels Website, using the same numbering as the map for the 7 places where we spent a night..
The full story of this 8-day cycle ride is on our MagBaztravels Website, using the same numbering as the map for the 7 places where we spent a night..